Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lullaby for insanity...

"Lately, I've been living in my head
twinkle, twinkle, a soft tingle inside
no... far from it
such a strong noise instead
corrupting veins demise
no light or silence
yet but shadow and loud scratching
a bat's nest
for nothing is left, rest...
assure that darkness prevails
as words surface in pirates' sails, one eye, one heart
just deep down, a tart, where it smells
where it hides, moth.
Come closer, hear this flesh wounding noise
no rush,
come closer, do you hear it?
fear flies
keep their hidden poise
terrible sounds of Dante's hell
crumbling down the seventh seal
human flesh flees
for excruciating forsakes a sea dismay
let along the beating heart to sustain..."



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