"A cry, silent at our hears. Outside is easy because no one can listen to the stabbing sound that screams and shouts in our minds. Child thinking, unprotected, our shoes are small and but we can walk in them. Hence the not knowing, the misunderstanding. A mirror denies, a voice outside can not know what in our silence goes. Anoyance gets through, when it was but our pain choking in moments few. Our hearts with heavy burden, trying to relieve in silent voice, not succeeding, thus our screams extend inside our head. Unspoken tears outbursting our soul, not able to explain that pain is all we know. Lost in identity middle-ground, inside murderer voices call, no one can save what in a cry dissolves. A lost case we are, no swapping places would do, for us to explain what inside is dead and just hanging by a thread..."
your friend D